Establish open communication with the hospital staff
You will no doubt have lots of questions for the doctor and nurses. But some people find it difficult to know what do ask, who to ask and when to ask.
STEP TWO: Determine how your parents will pay for their care. Medical treatment and caregiving can be costly, which makes good financial planning all the more necessary. But in many families, discussing finances is a taboo topic. As a result, caregivers know little, if anything, about their parent’s finances: Do they have Medicare or Medicaid? Do they have long-term care insurance? When an elderly parent is suddenly unable to manage their own finances, the caregiver often has more questions than answers.
Decide where your parent should live after they recover
Will your parent need to stay in a rehabilitation facility? Perhaps it is no longer safe for them to live at home, in which case they need an assisted living facility. Will they be staying with you? Or returning to their own home?
Learn about their medication and equipment needs, post-hospital
Will they need special equipment, medication or professional care?
Make sure legal documents are in order. Power of Attorney, Legal Guardianship, Advanced Directives – the legalese can be confusing and overwhelming.
STEP SIX: Find out more about your parents’ medical condition.Knowledge is power. Learn all you can about your elderly parents’ condition.
Get support for yourself. Caring for an aging parent is difficult but you are not alone! You may find it helpful to join a support group or set up respite care to give yourself a break.
Information provided in part by: “7 Steps to Take When Your Elderly Parent is Suddenly Hospitalized” <>