Spring Cleaning For Your Elderly Loved One

Our fellow bloggers at Lifefoneblog.com are sharing  great tips for spring cleaning for the elderly.  Check out their advice below:

Of coarse, if cleaning the ceiling fans is not at the top of your list, call in the professionals and keep life as simple as you can.


Spring!  Isn’t it wonderful?  Just the name sounds fresh and light!  One task that waits as spring arrives is that of Spring Cleaning!   After the deep winter nights, closed up windows and running furnaces, nothing is better than a fresh clean up and none as important as that for the elderly.  Seniors can often suffer from respiratory diseases and disorders so a good dusting is beneficial both physically and emotionally!

So how do you get started?   Perhaps you’re a cleaning whiz and your house is always spotless!  However, there are always areas that people tend to forget.

Here are six areas that are often overlooked or postponed:

  1. Dust and/or wash down walls, ceilings and corners of walls. You may not notice but smoking in the house, candles and cooking actually add a coat of dirt and grime to a wall. Once they are washed and cleared of dust bunnies and spider webs, the place looks much brighter!
  2. Dust and clean the ceiling fan.  Often overlooked, fans can spread a lot of dust mites in the air raising havoc for those with allergies or respiratory problems.
  3. Dust and clean all art and photographs along the wall.  Just like the walls, these collect dust and grime. Don’t clean the wall but leave your precious photos untouched!
  4. Take down draperies, curtains, and blinds to wash or have cleaned.  Clean draperies according to manufacturer’s instructions to be sure not to shrink or damage them.  Drapes and blinds are also traps for dust and spider webs!  
  5. Dust the vents, both the hot and cold vents as well as the bathroom ventilation fan! The bathroom vent fan is a collector of mold and mildew. A good cleaning promotes better health!
  6. Wash all bedding including the mattress pad. While you may be very diligent in cleaning the bedding each week, mattress pads are often left behind unless the person has soiled it.  Dust mites love mattress pads so washing this often is recommended!Read more of this article