Tampa Bay based, Bayshore Home Care announced the role out of their Sandwich Generation Support program this week in response to the rapidly growing need for families to find practical advice and assistance as they are being squeezed amid the pressures of supporting children and caring for their aging parents.
Today, one in four families are finding themselves looking after the needs for an elderly loved one. And with those aged 85+ now the fastest-growing segment in America, the issue of caring for the elderly is becoming an increased concern for families.
Factors such as; families living longer distances from each other and more single parent homes have caused an even greater strain on those individuals who feel a responsibility to look after the needs of their aging parents. These individuals are also often active in the workforce.
Bayshore’s program aims to give individuals of the Sandwich Generation access to practical tools and professional guidance as they travel through the various stages of caring for their aging parents’ needs while still juggling all of life’s other responsibilities. Bayshore launched the website www.feelingsandwiched.com this week. Here, individuals can request a complimentary caregiving guidebook, watch videos from Bayshore’s senior care experts, learn about support groups and even enroll a senior loved one in their home health aide services to receive in-home care, help with errands and homemaking. “Our goal is to give the Sandwich Generation a helping hand and a listening ear.” said Suzanne Johnson, owner and Administrator of Bayshore Home Care.