A recent study has shown that 7 out 10 caregivers are working full or part time. Most of these caregivers are also part of the sandwich generation, caring for both their children and their parents. Caregivers face some major challenges when working outside the home. Logistically, how do you get your loved one to their mid-day doctor’s appointments? What do you do when your loved one has a slip and fall during the day? The stress of trying to coordinate daily activities are enough without the added stress of the work place.
If you’re caring for a loved one and also working outside the home here are some things you can do to ease your burden.
Be open with those around you. Although you may be fearful of letting your employer in on your personal life it may be necessary. This is especially true if you are finding that you need to leave work early or go in late to handle caring issues. Many employers recognize the growing number of employees that are playing the role of caregiver and are taking steps to be a resource and support for their employees.
Get help. Help can come in many forms. Help for you might mean attending a caregiver support group. You may also need the peace of mind knowing that someone is at home with your loved one, taking care of their daily needs while you’re at work. Having a private duty home care agency involved will allow you to stay focused while on the job in addition to ensuring you are able to work a full day. If you feel your loved one would like more socialization adult day cares are another great option. Some home health care providers will also send a nurse to accompany your loved one to doctor’s appointment if you are not able to be there. Then, after the doctors appointment you will be given a full report of what happened.
The most important thing to remember during this time is that you are not alone. Although things seem overwhelming remember that there are resources available to help ease your burden and give you the support you need.
Information provided in part by: Creating Company Culture That Cares About Caregivers,by Sherri Snelling , April 8,2013 ,http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sherri-snelling/creating-company-culture-for-caregivers_b_3034670.html